It's official: my second-born son is a milkoholic. No doubt about it-- if that kid is more than three feet away from his bottle at any given moment, it's not a pretty sight. If Baby ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Our family has never been much for milk consumption; mostly we use it for cereal and cooking. Even though I always tried to make sure Max got his share of milk for strong bones, we used to have trouble getting through a gallon before it expired. Near the expiration date, we would begin to eat lots of cookies just so that we could dip them in milk, and we would sometimes even find ourselves dumping the last cup down the drain when it started to smell like sour cream. No more, my friends, no more! Since I've begun weaning Lucian, he has taken to the bottle like I never dreamed. Now we have three, count 'em, THREE gallons of milk in our fridge! Between the four of us, we went through a half-gallon in ONE DAY. This is new territory for me! How can one kid down that much liquid without expanding like a water balloon?
So the plus side is that we are down to only nursing once every 24 hours, in the middle of the night. Things are looking good for my planned trips away from my babe this summer! But we may have to take out a second mortgage to afford the milk that he is consuming instead.
Anybody own a cow that we can rent?
What's Louie doing in Mackie's chair?
This is from when I was watching Anna, and she was using the high chair- Max was at Choo Choo Bob's with you! But crazy that he's big enough to sit in that chair, huh?
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