Monday, May 24, 2010

Target Field

On Sunday, Paul and I packed up both kids and brought them to the Twins game at brand new, beautiful Target Field. Paul's friend Sam was in town, so we used it as an excuse to take in a game with a group of friends- all Twins fans except for Sam who, unfortunately, roots for the Brewers. The Twins did win the series, but at least Sam got to gloat about winning one out of three.

Max and Luci share a chair

It was my first experience of outdoor baseball ever, and even with two squirreley kids and 85 degree weather, it was pretty awesome. Anyone who enjoys America's Favorite Pastime knows that watching a game in the Metrodome was not how baseball was meant to be experienced.

Every seat is a good seat at Target Field

When Lucian got uncomfortable, I discovered the Mom Rooms at guest services where you can take your little kids to get out of the heat, change a diaper, and nurse in comfort. Kudos to whoever thought of that! Lucian and I spent some quality time in there cooling off and chatting with other moms.

Hopefully we'll get to go back some time and actually watch the game (instead of juggling kids) but we had a great time, and Max had a blast! He even got to take home a Little Louisville Slugger baseball bat as his prize for filling his sticker chart!

Max with his Little Louisville Slugger and Rod Carew

It was a fun day with great friends and yummy (overpriced) stadium food. If Max wasn't a fan already, he's sure been bitten by the baseball bug now!

Heading home after the big day

1 comment:

Monica G. said...

I have pretty much hated sports all my life, but when I moved to chicago and went to my first cubs game, it was a blast. I have been to several since, and really enjoy a live outdoor game :) It's funny how different the entire experience is!