Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning I was greeted by a soggy baby who had soaked through his diaper overnight. No big deal. I got him up, changed his diaper and put him in an adorable little outfit that Grandma Radecki gave us. One boy all ready at 8:00am! Score!

Then I sat down at the computer with Lucian in my lap. As I finished up writing an email, I smelled something a little...ripe. I picked him up to change the offending diaper and realized instantly that it was more than just the diaper I would have to deal with. Lucian's pants, shirt and my shirt were all affected by the mess! Off to the bathtub we went to take care of the disaster.

Mid-bath, Max came giggling into the bathroom, completely in the buff. Paul (who had fallen asleep in Max's room for part of the night) followed after him, explaining to me that Max had woken up in a puddle, also having leaked through his diaper! I got Lucian out of the bath and wrapped him in a towel, sans diaper. As I sat holding him, telling Paul what had happened that morning, I felt something leak through the towel... now what little baby waits to pee until he's out of the bath??

It's been an eventful morning, but now both kids are clean, Lucian is asleep, and life is on track once again. To all mothers out there (especially my own), thank you for all of the messes you've cleaned up over the years!

Happy Laundry Day!

1 comment:

Monica G. said...

Happy Mother's day! Haha. I think you probably develop a whole new appreciation for your mother when you become a mother yourself. I hope the rest of the day is much better :)