Monday, May 10, 2010

Road Trip

On Saturday, we took a trip down to Winona to see Susan, Fr. Brian and Fr. Tyler, who were in town for the graduation of some Rapid City seminarians. We left home after lunch and made the beautiful drive down Hwy 61 with two sleeping children in the backseat. That is how every road trip should be- gorgeous scenery and quiet sleeping children!

We made it to St. Mary's campus in about two hours and decided to stroll the kiddos around campus while we waited for The Fathers and Susan to get back from lunch. It was a fun little walk down memory lane, but boy it seems like it was longer than just four years ago! Since we graduated, they've built a new outdoor track and soccer field, a disc golf course, and a high ropes course. We sure would have made use of those (especially the disc golf!) if they had been around when we were. The seminary also had some new features- Pews in the chapel! And a tiled floor! Plus they added beautiful Stations of the Cross on the front lawn.

We met up with the Rapid City crew at the seminary and were surprised to see Chris Deaver with them!! (Chris, if you ever read this, Florida is too far away! Come back to the Midwest!) We chilled in the JPII Lounge for awhile and then decided to go bowling at Wellington's (aka "the chapel"- ask Fr. Brian). Max played the first game with us and got an impressive 17 points! Then he wandered off and played foosball by himself while we finished our second game... in which, I am proud to say, I scored 120! Fr. Brian only played one of my frames for me, and I won't mention my score on the first game.

After bowling, it was time to head to Jefferson's- our old stomping grounds. Hooray for 18 karat wings!! Max asked me over and over again for a "bone to eat". I think he thinks he's a dog...or a dinosaur. Dinner was great, especially the company, and we were all surprised to look at our watches and realize it was 9:15! We said our goodbyes, packed up the boys and began the journey back home. Max watched the stars until he fell asleep, and I found myself drifting off as well. We rolled in around 11:30 and fell straight into bed. It was a good day.

Thanks Susan, Fr. Brian, Fr. Tyler and Chris, for a ton of fun! Let's do it again soon!

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