Friday, May 7, 2010

Royal "They"

Max in full armor

Ever heard of the Royal "We"? You know, how really important people, such as kings, can speak about themselves in the plural form? Well the other day, Max must have decided he is a super important person, because he had a whole conversation about himself in third-person plural! Often before he has spoken of himself as "You" (as in, 'You want some chicken for dinner!') and he almost always narrates his actions, but this was new to me. We were finishing lunch and it was time for dessert. As I watched him eat his bar, he began narrating (with much gusto) what was happening. It went something like this:

"They drank some MILK! They drank it all GONE! They were THIRSTY! Then they ate some PIE! And it was GOOD! And they were HUUN-GRY!"

All hail King Max!

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