Say that ten times fast. That's the fancy schmancy way of saying that I had gallbladder surgery. I'm still not sure how to pronounce it!
Everything went great, and I'm already moving around a little bit. I can't carry Lucian yet, but I can hold him on my lap. I think the hardest part of this entire ordeal was having to fast from midnight on Thursday until my surgery at noon on Friday... anyone who knows me knows I don't usually go more than a couple of hours without snacking, so that was torture! But now I'm eating whatever I want as much as I want and feeling better than I expected to feel at this point.
Thanks Cahills for the food! YUMMY!
Thanks Ten Eycks for the flowers and farmer's market goodies... delicious.
Thanks Mom and Dad for taking care of Max for two whole days so I could recover and sleep all the time.
Thanks everyone for the prayers and support!
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