Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sunset in Assisi

"It was now the sweetest hour of the twenty-four: 'Day its fervid fires had wasted,' and dew fell cool on panting plain and scorched summit. Where the sun had gone down in simple state- pure of the pomp of clouds- spread a solemn purple, burning with the light of red jewel and furnace flame at one point, on one hill peak, and extending high and wide, soft and still softer, over half heaven. The east had its own charm of fine, deep blue, and its own modest gem, a rising and solitary star: soon it would boast the moon; but she was yet beneath the horizon."

This is officially my favorite quote from Jane Eyre, our current Book Club read. Isn't that the most amazing description of a sunset you've ever read? It's making me totally impatient for summer, when we can run outside barefoot and watch the sunset without the risk of frostbite. Today has been such a tease; I heard birds singing this morning, I looked outside and saw beautiful blue cloudless skies, and then I looked at the temperature: one degree. ONE degree fahrenheit! My hopes were dashed.

I guess we'll just stay in and pretend it's a nice day.

1 comment:

Sara R said...

I just read that today and thought it was beautifully written as well!

See you tomorrow night!