Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer in the City

I remember running through sprinklers as a kid. The thrill of that freezing cold spray, the freshly mowed grass plastered to my wet feet, the joy of screaming at the top of my lungs just because I could...

This year Max was able to enjoy his first sprinkler run! It took him a few tries (I showed him how it's done) and he was a little wary at first, but once he got the hang of it, he was unstoppable. He pounded the pavement for as long as we'd let him- back and forth from steps to garage, squealing and shouting, sticking his face full on into the blast. He even got to try a waterslide!

Hooray for home-ownership! Hooray for sprinklers! Hooray for summer!


Bob and Lori said...

Boy does he get the most out of life!!! Love the pics:)

Jessica said...

Max was wary?! I'm not sure I believe that! ;)

Ryan Norrell said...

You have the same sprinkler we do!