Friday, May 4, 2012

May Day!

We decided to kick off the beautiful month of May by delivering May Baskets to some of our friends and family. Max got to pick out the color scheme for our baskets... chosen because of the resemblance to pirate treasure, of course. (Gold and jewels!) He and Lucian decorated the cups with stickers and buttons, punched holes for the ribbon handles, and helped me make tissue paper and pipe cleaner flowers. It was a fun project, but the highlight for both boys was definitely the delivery!

On Tuesday morning, we packed all of our baskets into a box, put them in the car and started our deliveries. Most people weren't home when we delivered their flowers, so Max go the joy of running away from each house without getting caught... which would have been nearly impossible had anyone actually been home, seeing as we had to buckle into a carseat before driving away!

Special Delivery!
Gotta get away...
Whew! Made it.
Lucian's turn to ring the doorbell
We did get caught at Grandma and Grandpa's house! After ringing the doorbell and running around the corner to hide, Max got caught by Grandma, which he was not a bit upset about. We even got to take a lunch break before hitting the rest of the houses on our list! It was a fun way to spend a day and usher in the season of Spring.

Caught by Grandma!

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