Monday, May 21, 2012

Lucianese, part 2 (The Quiz)

Louie has been learning more words every day, but most people other than myself have no idea what he's saying most of the time! I thought it might be fun to put together a little quiz to see if you can guess what some of his commonly used words or phrases actually mean. I'll do my best to type them as he pronounces them. You can respond in the comments or email me, and I'll post the answers in a few days.

Good luck to you, you'll need it!

1. "Mo, Gacky!"

2. "Yay-Yay, a-yelf."

3. "Uh-rul"

4. "Goke, peas"

5. "Uh Yum go?"

6. "Mee-mee!"

7. "Yuk-a-tah"

8. "Buss beef"

9. "You-yoff"

10. "Cookie"

Ok, so that last one doesn't count-  but it's not too surprising that it would be one of the few words Lucian can say completely clearly! It's funny, I'm getting so used to his goofy pronunciations that it throws me off when he actually pronounces a word perfectly. Part of me will be a little sad when he outgrows this phase.

Happy guessing!


Monica G. said...

Ok, so, here goes nothin'...
1.No, Macky!
2. Lucian, himself.. all by myself
3. Cereal
4. Milk, please
5. Can I go?
6. Baby
7. Look at that
8. Roast beef
9. Shoes off
10. Cookie :)

Lori Radecki said...

no mackie
Lucian, by self
milk, please

by turn

shoes off

You have me stumped on a couple of these.

Maureen said...

I can't do better than these--anyway it wouldn't be fair because I looked at monicas and loris answers first....besides I am very bad at foriegn languages