Our little guy has turned into the most well-tempered child in the world. Right around 3 1/2 months, he decided that life's a whole lot easier if you just smile all the time. According to my sister-in-law, if she had a child like him, she might just forget he was there! He may have been graced with a naturally laid-back personality, but I have a feeling the good-naturedness may be half nature, half nurture. Having an older brother means that he doesn't always get the attention he needs at the exact moment he wants it, like Max did at his age. I've let him cry for long moments while Max pulls on my leg waiting for his bagel to be cream-cheesed. If I know he's been recently changed and fed and isn't ready for a nap, I am much more likely to pop the paci into his mouth while he plays in the Exersaucer than to pick him up as I'm trying frantically to get the dishes done.
Max has to wait his turn on occasion too, when Lucian is eating or being rocked to sleep, but I think it is harder on him than his brother. You see, Lucian has known from day one that sometimes we need to wait to get what we want, but Max has had a rude awakening in these past months. I think sometimes he wishes he could go back to living the dream. But I know that he loves his brother and even if he doesn't quite understand it now, he will be so thankful for him someday.
these are super cute pictures!
Lucian is getting to be so handsome! What a cutie-patootie!
Oh! Taryn, I hope you don't mean that I need to nurture Alexander to make him a less high need baby! Sometimes there's nothing you can do with how a baby is wired ;)
Don't worry Cath, this was solely a comparison between Max and Lucian, and the differences I've noticed in them. Alexander, bless him, is in a class by himself :-) I think you're doing everything right!!
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