Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rhyme Time

Underneath a billowy willow tree
(Sorry, I couldn't resist)

Max is a rhyming maniac! If I tell him it's time to go to bed, he'll say something like, "It's pime to bo doo ved!" It's pretty cute, and it's fun to hear him use his verbal creativity, but usually the words are pure nonsense. There are, however, two examples that have completely accidentally turned into hilarious new phrases!

Example One: Lucian received a little doll dressed as a butterfly as a gift from his Great Grandma Moorse. It has crinkly wings, antennae that are great to suck on, and a hard plastic face that's perfect for teething gums. He loves it. Recently, I asked Max if he wanted to name the doll for his brother. Up until this point, the names he gives to toys have all been variations of "TeeTee" (ToTo, TeeTo, TaTee, etc). He has officially turned a corner. Want to know what he named this cute little butterfly girl? "Mommy Salami"

Meet Mommy Salami

Example Two: At Bridget's house, we were heading into the bedroom to go to bed and I told him to say good night to Patrick and Joseph. In true rhyming form, he responded, "Good night! Bud Light!" Bud Light?? It has to be a total random occurrence- his Daddy doesn't drink that stuff! If he had said "Good night! Summit IPA!" I might think we were responsible. But no, this was just a laugh-worthy choice of rhyming words befitting our beer-loving son. What a poet!

So I'll be back with more stories
That hopefully won't bore ye,
And pictures of Max
With his friend Patrick Traxx (ok, that was a stretch)
When my computer is kind
And allows me to find
A better way of downloading
Without my brain exploding.

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