Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've been waiting for this since Lucian was born- they boys are becoming real, true friends. I know Louie's only two and he can't do half of the things Max wants to do, but he imitates him and follows him around like he is the coolest thing ever to live on the face of the earth. If Max starts singing a song, Lucian is there dancing along and throwing out a word here or there. If Max is sitting at the table coloring, Lucian needs a crayon in hand and a piece of paper. Just a few days ago, I was upstairs getting the boys their clothes for the day. When I turned around the corner to walk down the stairs, my heart melted! There they were, flipping through books together at the foot of the steps. 

Yes, they still have their fair share of spats, and I know they always will. Lucian will knock down Max's towers, Max will take toys from his little brother, and as they grow older the arguments will probably get more intense. But I am starting to get glimpses of the lasting friendship that is forming before my eyes! There really is no other relationship like that of a sibling, and I am so glad that they have each other!

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