Sunday, October 23, 2011


Both of my sons have the ability to let most anything roll of their backs, but they reserve the right to unexpectedly fly off the handle. Normal toddler/preschooler stuff. With Max, when the world gets to be too much- say his grapes fall on the floor or he can't draw a shark the way he wants to- and he starts to stress out, we remind him to take some deep breaths and he can usually calm himself down.

Awhile back, I was working on making dinner and the kids were underfoot, so Paul corralled them into the living room. Something happened, I don't know (or maybe I've chosen to forget) what it was, and I heard the beginnings of a meltdown. I peeked around the corner to check things out, and I witnessed Paul convincing Max to sit on the floor and try some Yoga breathing. Neither of us actually knows what Yoga breathing is, but whatever Paul taught Max seemed to work, and everything was smooth sailing very quickly.

I couldn't resist grabbing the camera to capture the moment, so here you go: Yoga time with Daddy!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

LOVE it! Way to go Paul! :D